Our Philosophy


Teaching Philosophy

We are committed to providing an environment rich with active exploration and social interaction. Children are encouraged to explore at their own pace and level of development and to learn through play.

Our motto is “Childhood is a journey not a race.” In the rush of our daily life it is imperative that we adults slow down to our children’s pace and participate in these formative years of their development. We blink and our children have grown. At Playful Learning Cooperative Preschool we believe that by taking this time with our children, we too experience the joy and wonder of childhood.

We provide unique options for preschoolers and their families. The options have been designed to make the co-op as child and family friendly as possible. This is a multi-age program with a variety of ways for families to be engaged, connect with others, and contribute to our preschool community.


Playful Learning Cooperative Preschool is all about sharing. When you join the school you join a network of parents that believe in the “cooperative” concept.

What are the benefits of cooperative preschool?

  • Parent and/or caregiver active participation in their child’s preschool provides an enriched education experience.

  • Quality program.

  • Low monthly tuition.

  • Small classroom numbers that foster close relationships.

  • Parenting education sessions provided  on topics of importance and interest to you.

  • Potty training not required

What are the requirements for being part of a cooperative preschool?

Parents and/or caregivers are expected to contribute to the smooth functioning of the preschool in a variety of ways, including regularly assisting in the classroom, fulfilling a preschool job, providing snack periodically, participating in classroom cleaning, and attending monthly member meetings. Learn more about Family Requirements here.