Family Requirements

As a cooperative preschool, we are fueled by the involvement of our families. They add energy and enrich our community while fulfilling tasks needed for us to function.

Learn more about our Philosophy and the benefits of cooperative preschool here.

Family Requirements

Families enrolled at Playful Learning contribute to our community and are expected to:

Bring snack for the class periodically.

Caregivers will bring a snack on a rotation schedule.  Depending on the size of the class, this will mean snack duty every 1 to 2 months. Caregivers with students attending the Pre-K Class will also bring a small, healthy lunch.

Assist in the classroom once a week.

Caregivers participate with their children as they learn new skills, develop socially and emotionally, and prepare for their school years ahead. Caregivers function as teacher assistants by helping run classroom stations and encourage children’s play and engagement.

Volunteer for a preschool job.

Caregivers help support the operation of the preschool. This allows tuition to remain low and friendships and community to develop! Jobs range from helping to set up the classroom, coordinating field trips, or serving on the board.


Attend a monthly member meeting.

Caregivers gather to discuss co-op business once a month, totaling 8 meetings for the school year.

Participate in classroom cleaning.

Caregiver will help with weekly classroom setup and cleanings in rotation with other members, typically 1-2 times per quarter depending on total enrollment. They also participate in one of three scheduled class cleanings (“Big Clean”).